Yewar 12 student smiling at laptop

VTAC preferences: the essential info

Unsure how VTAC preferences work? Don’t stress, here’s what you need to know. Follow these steps and you could end up with more than one Charles Sturt study offer!  

1. Create a VTAC account

You’ll need to create a VTAC account to apply to study on campus at any of Charles Sturt’s six regional locations. (If you want to study online with us, you can apply direct to Charles Sturt.)

Hint: You can book a one-to-one consult with a friendly Charles Sturt adviser to find out more about our courses.

2. Complete one VTAC application with up to eight course preferences

You can apply to multiple unis – or several courses with the same uni – in your one VTAC application.

List up to eight courses, in the order you’d most like to study them. Don’t worry at this stage about ATAR – if you don’t get the ATAR for your first preference, your next preference will be considered. VTAC will submit your course preferences to the relevant uni(s) on your behalf.

To be in the running for an early conditional offer, apply for our Charles Sturt Advantage early offer program!

3. You can change your VTAC preferences during specified times

Your preferences will be considered one at a time in the order you’ve listed them. If you change your mind about what you want to study, log in to your VTAC application and simply update your preferences during the allowed periods (check the VTAC website for these dates). There is no additional cost for changing preferences and you can update as many times as you like.

Hint: Use the re-ordering arrows to move your preferences – if you delete a course from your preferences, you won’t be able to add it back in!

4. You’ll receive one offer in each offer round

Most Year 12 applicants will receive their offers in the first January round, after ATARs are released. You’ll get an email from VTAC with an offer for your highest preference that you’re eligible for. You’ll receive only one offer in each round – but you may receive more than one offer over the different rounds if you know what to do. Read on!

Hint: Charles Sturt uses your selection rank (ATAR plus any adjustment factors) to assess your eligibility for our courses. So even if you don’t get the published ATAR for a course, you may still be eligible! 

5. Accept your offer by enrolling

Your Charles Sturt offer will explain how to accept and enrol. It’s an easy process – and then you can look forward to starting uni in March! Or you can defer, if you prefer. For most of our courses, you can accept your offer and then defer for up to 24 months if you decide to take a gap year – or two!   

6. If you re-order your VTAC preferences after a round, you may end up with more than one offer!

Whether you do or don’t receive your first preference, you can re-order your preferences by moving the course you’ve been offered below any courses you would still like to be considered for. If you’re made another offer, you’ll have options!

7. As long as you’ve enrolled, you won’t lose your place

If you change preferences after you’ve enrolled, you won’t lose your place in the course you were offered. If you get another offer from Charles Sturt in the next round, you can either accept the new offer and withdraw from the first – or decline it and keep the original place.

8. Didn’t get a Charles Sturt offer? Don’t stress.

Charles Sturt has plenty of admission pathways that can help you get into your first choice course.

Get it sorted!

If you haven’t got your preferences sorted yet, jump into your VTAC application and make sure your Charles Sturt course is #1. Reach out if you need a hand. We’re here for you.